As a ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ College student, you are eligible for discounts at local health clubs. Memberships are available at your own cost and not included in tuition. Provide a GoWrangler ID Card or copy of your current class schedule for proof of eligibility.

  • ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Area
    • Fitness Today at Myrtle Wilks Community Center
      • Students receive full membership/access of $25/month
    • The Earl & Billye Bradley Wellness Center - Eastland, Tx
      • Student discount membership at $25/month for full membership
  • Abilene Area
    • YMCA
      • Student Discount of $38/month for any age student
      • 2 locations, 2 pools, and variety of classes
      • $25 joiners fee
    • Hendrick Health Club
      • Student membership for $99/semester
      • Pro-rated to sign up now
    • Anytime Fitness
      • $39/month with no enrollment fee
      • 2 Locations